Lilly Belle's Quirk
Cassandra led Lilly Belle down the hallway of Thorn Rose Stables and towards the indoor training arena. The flaxen palomino was rapidly becoming a favorite of the rest of her staff, probably because the horse was as gentle and patient as she was large. The mare hadn’t been a rescue exactly, but she’d been purchased on a whim and Cass had considered retiring the horse to a different boarding location a few times. She lacked the usual fire and drive of the other horses at Thorn Rose. Still, something held the demonkin back. Something about the way the mare moved, the way she looked at Cassandra, made the half-demon keep her.
When they reached the training arena, Cass started getting a saddle blanket and tack on the horse instead of the usual harness. The look she got almost made her laugh. “Yes, I know it’s not a harness. It’s a saddle. I’m riding you today.”
Lilly Belle shook her head and shifted her weight, giving Cassandra a petulant look but not moving or doing anything to hinder the saddle being correctly positioned or fitted.
“Gods, Lilly Belle, you make this thing look small.” Cassandra got everything settled and looked at the working arena to make sure everything was in place. Lilly Belle liked working, but had no motivation for speed. Perhaps breaking things up into a series of tasks would give the mare the motivation she needed to fly. Or Cass would wind up in the dirt because the large creature under her decided they were done.
Lilly Belle sidestepped as Cass mounted, not unfamiliar with being saddled but preferring the harness and pulling. She didn’t rear or buck, and she didn’t try to toss Cassandra. Instead, the palomino settled almost as soon as Cassandra reined her in, only sparing the rider a glance at the action and then attempting to drop her head to graze.
Cass, ready for a longer fight, blinked and then turned Lilly Belle towards the first obstacle. They’d walk them the first few times and see how she reacted to things. So far she hadn’t been prone to spooking at much of anything, but with a horse her size Cassandra didn’t want to take the chance she’d find the one thing that did it.
Lilly Belle approached the rope gate with the same nonchalance as she would pulling a log. The mare’s height made getting the gate undone tricky, Cassandra having to lean over far further than she normally would have. Lilly Belle didn’t move, only glancing back as if trying to figure out what Cass was doing.
Cassandra got the gate open and squeezed her legs, indicating Lilly Belle should walk through. “Goodness, you’re tall.” she laughed as she barely managed to stay on the horse. “I think I’m going to have to get used to the stretch more than you’re going to have to get used to the activity.”
If Lilly Belle was worried, the only indication was a flick of her tail as Cassandra halted her and managed to get the gate back into place.
Cassandra urged Lilley Belle forward. The horse responded with a vaguely aggrieved huff, causing Cassandra to brace for an attempted toss or some other antics. Instead, she got a shifting of the massive mare’s weight and a reluctant compliance.
Surprise almost made Cassandra miss the next step, catching herself at the last minute. She managed to get Lilly Belle on track for the figure eight, though the horse gave a dissatisfied toss of her head at the action but didn’t make any further effort. She also didn’t pick up the pace at all, instead keeping the steady tempo of a horse used to working all day.
Normally there were a few other tasks, but Cassandra didn’t bother with the spear or whatever there was being used for a target, but instead she turned Lilly Belle for a bridge that had been setup for the horse to cross.
Lilly Belle balked at the edge of the bridge and danced back. Cassandra once again braced for the horse to throw her. Most of her other horses would have, and without a moment of hesitation. Instead, she almost sent herself out of the saddle as she anticipated something that simply didn’t happen.
Righting herself as Lilly Belle did nothing more than move herself further from the bridge, Cassandra couldn’t help but laugh. She hadn’t dumped herself out of the saddle since she’d used one for the first time. Tossed and pitched out of them, yes, but not accidentally toppling herself over. Given the horses she learned on, she'd ridden bareback the first part of her life. Adjusting to a saddle had taken her a minute, or more it was adjusting to the change in connection to the horse under her that had taken a moment. Though she had to admit saddles did have their uses.
“Okay, so I’ve found something you don’t like. Bridges, huh, Lilly Belle? Well, how about I lead you over this one the first time or two.” Cassandra slid down from the saddle, landing easily on the ground. It was quite the drop. She settled her grip on the reins and started to lead Lilly Belle towards the bridge again.
Lilly Belle balked again, giving Gwen a look of ‘You’ve got to be kidding me.’
“It’s alright, girl. Come on.” Cassandra let the horse withdraw and settle before once again coaxing Lilly Belle forward. Instead of trying to take the palomino across the bridge, this time she brought the large horse up alongside the bridge so the horse could get a look at it.
Lilly Belle examined the structure, not resisting Cassandra’s lead. It seemed as long as she didn’t have to step on it, the bridge was of no concern.
“It’s not going to collapse if you step on it.” Cassandra led Lilly Belle around to the start of the bridge again, and this time pulled out an apple slice. “So, bribery maybe?”
Lilly Belle made for the apple, stopping but not going backwards at the edge of the bridge. Then, slowly but surely the horse began stepping onto the structure. She seemed uncertain, but willing to attempt it for the food. Finally, they got off the other side and the mare tossed her head in something resembling relief before nudging Cassandra gently.
“Right, should we try it with me riding you?” Cassandra moved to mount.
Lilly Belle moved away and rubbed her saddle straps against the nearest pillar.
Cassandra watched the mare for a moment, and then on impulse undid the straps of the saddle. The thing was well fitted to Lilly Belle, but it was clear something about it bothered the tobiano marked horse.
Free of the saddle, Lilly Belle gave a satisfied snort and picked up her feet gently. It was probably the most excited Cassandra had seen the horse since she’d purchased her.
“Alright, Lilly Belle, let’s see how this goes.” Cassandra chuckled, and using the bridge as a step ladder, swung up on Lilly Belle’s wide back. Hopefully the horse continued on their good behavior. From this height, getting tossed would be unfortunate and the mare’s wide back made getting a fully secure seat tricky.
This time, Lilly Belle was a little quicker on her feet. Or, at least more enthusiastic at the prospect of doing more than plodding along. She even trotted around the figure eight with little more than a hint from the demonkin. When they reached the bridge, Lilly Belle stopped. She didn’t dance or buck or hesitate. Instead, she just stopped and tossed her head, attempting to glance back at Cassandra. The tension in her muscles was clear, the uncertainty and fear translating easily to Cassandra without the saddle in the way. They might have their uses, but it was so much easier to read a horse without one.
“It’s alright, Lilly Belle. We do this together, okay, girl?” Cassandra didn’t push the horse, or even nudge them forward. Instead she focused on reassuring the mare, brushing at her mane and leaning into the horse’s neck, trying to convey her own relaxation and trust in the horse.
After a few minutes, Lilly Belle began to relax. The tension began to fade from her muscles and her tail twitched. Finally, she stepped forward on her own accord, setting a foot on the bridge. It was tentative at first but by the time she was across the mare’s steps were steady and sure.
Once they were across, Lilly Belle gave a pleased sound and danced sideways with an agility and enthusiasm that surprised Cassandra. She’d never displayed the trait with any of the other trainers, but she seemed eager to work. And with the raw strength of the movement, it was surprising that Lilly Belle hadn’t taken the opportunity to dump Cassandra the moment she was displeased. The horse probably could have done so with little trouble.
“Seems no saddle is the trick with you.” Cassandra laughed, still surprised by how compliant Lilly Belle was. Maybe they had a show horse on their hands after all. “Then as long as I don’t need one for whatever reason, no saddle it is. Though maybe we still practice with one from time to time, yeah?”
Lilly Belle’s ears twitched, but the mare didn’t do anything more than sigh and start looking for something to graze on.
Cass getting to know one of her easier horses!
Submitted By Draggoness
Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago