How to Migrate Existing Rider Characters
Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by CirclingBirdsHow to migrate an existing rider
- The admin will create a MYO slot for you that has the existing details of your rider character from their tracker and send it to your account.
- The player recieves an inbox notification and the MYO Slot for their rider appears under Home > My MYO Slots
- Click on the MYO Slot for the Rider character you want to register.
- Character information such as Title, Pronouns, Gender, Race, and Stables is all displayed on the righthand side of the placeholder image. Their name is at the top. Please verify that all of this is correct. Any important information from the Admin regarding this particular MYO Slot can be found underneath the placeholder image, under the "Description" tab, if there is nothing, it will be blank.
- If all looks correct, on the far left-hand side of the screen, click "Submit MYO Design" tab. It will ask you if you would like to make a request. Click the "Create Request" button and it will take you to a page with five tabs. You will need to click "Save" on each tab, even if empty, in order for it to turn green and for Lorekeeper to allow you to submit the request:
- Comments: A place to type any message or info you want the Admins to see or have. Click save.
- Masterlist Image: An image of your choosing that will be visual reference of your Rider character. If you get a 500 error, it's because your image is too big. If you resize it under 3MB and it still won't submit, contact a CirclingBirds via the #harpg-help channel in the Discord server. Click save.
- Add-ons: Not applicable. Click save.
- Traits: A place to view and confirm the traits the admin has given your Rider. You can also request additional traits, but that shouldn't be necessary unless the Admin has forgotten a trait. Click save.
- Click back to the "Status" tab, which should be green and have a "Submit Request" button. Click the button. It will then move to Pending status. Once the Admin approves, the character is yours, will show up on the Masterlist of Riders, and the Admin will grant them some starter Gold and any legacy EXP. You can create a Profile page for them by going to their character page and clicking "Edit Profile" under Settings and scrolling to the bottom - this is for players to share any information, backstory, owned horses, etc. that they would like to provide and is entirely optional.
- *If your character is Rejected, the Admin will provide a reason why. You will be able to resubmit with corrections.
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