
(PNG_) pangaré (Natural)

Name: Pangaré

Base Genotype: PNG_

Skin Color: No Effect

Eyes: No Effect

Description: Pangaré is a type of countershading that is visible on all base coats except black. That is to say, pangaré lightens any red-based hairs on the underside of the horse, most noticeably where the skin is thinnest. Sometimes Pangaré Bay horses are referred to as being "Mealy Bay."  Pangaré is a dominant gene, so only one copy is needed for it to show. 

Design Guidance: Pangaré at minimum will slightly lighten the muzzle and armpits of the horse. At maximum, the muzzle, eyes, insides of the legs, and the undersides of the neck, barrel, and flank are all lightened. Pangaré is a lightening of the existing base coat, but can introduce warm tones.  Pangaré and Sooty together on the same horse usually causes dramatic shading and dappling. In the real world, Pangaré is most commonly found in Prezwalski's horses, draft horses, mules, and primitive horse breeds. These can all be good sources of reference. 

pangare brownpangare baypangare chestnut

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